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IT Overview The VO_Main database is https with a local application (.net) which is installed on each local PC (WOS) and a web based app (html) called VOiSite (online access) set up for each customer.AWS providing their cloud infrastructure and services to Visual Outcomes. Visual Outcomes sets a cloud hosted database installed and configured for each customer, there is a customer datafile storage and business related services as agreed with each customer; all installed securely on AWS.Visual Outcomes cloud services provide full maintenance, from back-ups db optimization and performance checks to upgrades. Visual Outcomes cloud services host the customer's database and related files. Visual Outcomes cloud provides excellent remote support with speedy responses for our customers. Visual Outcomes healthcare data management platform Visual Outcomes is built in a Microsoft .Net environment, and runs on Windows system WOS. Macs and Visual Outcomes Experience to date (2025) with Macs' Windows Parallel software (as is suggested for Mac users), is not good. The use of MacBook and any suggested parallels adjusting software for installing Windows software is not supported by Visual Outcomes. |
Internet access, local device hardware specifications and other Customer Requirements
MAC USER FAQs (January 2025) Q: Does Visual Outcomes work on a MAC computer? A: Visual Outcomes only runs as an application on a Windows Operating System (WOS) There are some Visual Outcomes features and functions that can be accessed via the inbuilt web-based portal of Visual Outcomes. These are accessed without a PC/WOS and can be accessed via any internet browser from any device. However the application as a local installation for the user to access all the data/complete information,runs on a WOS. The application gives the user a a rich experience via the PC (WOS). This hallmark is that a professional and business role can be 'configured' and optimized in their Visual Outcomes application; requires the WOS. Q: What is the difference when I choose between a MAC computer and a personal Computer /PC? A: It is often generally said the difference is about the different personal work profile of a person who uses a MAC and a person who likes a PC. Generalizing, people like a MAC when they use fast moving visual graphics in their working day e.g., documenting of a creative composition as is seen with the processes of filmmakers, artists, web designers and the like. These people it seems will prefer the Apple computers (MAC). And it is said that the people more involved in a office or business environment, prefer to have the information at their fingertips and want to see all the facts of transactional data from edits to audits; if working with more structured documents and data entry the person will prefer the PC (WOS). So, if you are running a business, with financial or mathematical data queries, complex analyses or data driven decision-making requirements in your work, you want the precision of data collection and style of data entry found in a PC WOS application. Q: What should I do if I have a MAC computer and are now using Visual Outcomes? A: Visual Outcomes is a healthcare data management platform (Windows Operating System based application) Visual Outcomes as a WOS application, is best installed on PC not on Mac WE CAN ONLY MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS for MAC users installing a virtual WOS or such and can not support this option. There are experiences/recommendations in many forums on the net to be searched. Some links to review as to +/- of what /why and how of installing WOS on your MAC Windows 10 https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT201468 https://www.parallels.com/pd/windows-on-mac/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallels_Desktop_for_Mac https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boot_Camp_(software) https://www.quora.com/Is-it-worth-getting-Bootcamp-on-my-Mac https://support.apple.com/en-au/boot-camp https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT204923 https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8187586 Ask others in your industry as to successful WOS installation approaches for your MAC model. Visual Outcomes cannot give advice as to this approach. A local IT service company may take the role /responsibility to advise you, and you can see what is possible for this approach. All other questions, send email to helpdesk@visualoutcomes.com |