Active Roster
Privacy Policy
Applicable to
Visual Outcomes Pty Limited (ACN 117 941 429)
Visual Outcomes USA, Inc.
Visual Outcomes highly respects protection of Personal Health Information (PHI) and is compliant with data protection requirements under Australian and USA legislation, regulations, and principles.
This is our Privacy Policy.
Information described here means a customer’s information.
It relates to the policies and practices we employ in obtaining, holding and using information that comes to us in the course of providing services to our customers, including PHI in relation to end users in the customer organization and our privacy policy promotes the same approach for customer organizations when using the features and functions of their Visual Outcomes secured data approach to PHI; customers must have their own internal policies and protocols as they decide the way they use the Visual Outcomes for their healthcare business.
Our primary principle in obtaining or holding data is for the provision of our services as a data management system for clinical information.
When Visual Outcomes contracts with a customer, the terms are to include a mutual obligation to notify the other party if any information which can identify an individual is dealt with contrary to the principles outlined or referenced in this policy.
What data is covered?
Visual Outcomes privacy policy refers to any information obtained in providing services to you as a customer of Visual Outcomes in the set up and management of this data management platform (and our directly related website of VOiSite) that is then used in your healthcare related activities and clinic-based business; information used in the process of deploying Visual Outcomes software in the clinic. It also applies to our website VisualOutcomes.com and to web enabled messages sent in connection with our software.
Data is not covered by our privacy policy when taken externally
Data can be taken from the local installation of Visual Outcomes application (local PC’s and workstation devices). Note, customer organization are to have their own in-house protocols as to what users can export. Examples of taking PHI information out of Visual Outcomes, is for sending via an external email system such as Outlook; or to store data in a local server, external software, or separate hard drive. It is the responsibility of the customer organization to have a current PHI and data security policy to ward off unwanted cyber-attacks and misuse of PHI.
Visual Outcomes customers are themselves obligated under law to protect the privacy of personal information including personal health information. Visual Outcomes provide software and services to customer organizations and their users; we observe the Business Associate obligations as stated in the attached standard Business Associate Agreement (a document more specific to the law in the USA but applicable in principle to the provision of Visual Outcomes services in most countries of the world). Visual Outcomes uses the best of endeavors to obligate any third parties with whom we contract in the provision of agreed services to you, to comply with all relevant privacy laws, regulations and principles.
Information Collected by Visual Outcomes
Information is collected as the business processes managed together or as a part of your actions in users connecting via the public facing online website of VOiSite; your clinic online portal. You may authorize us to retrieve or transfer and import information (data) from another user or another third-party exchange and we endeavor to have them also operating in accordance with the relevant privacy laws, regulations, and principles.
At the core, the information we collect are your name, address, telephone number, email address and other contact information entered or uploaded when establishing our business with you.
Depending on the services you use of the Visual Outcomes data management platform for healthcare practice and business management, we may also collect financial information, including credit or debit card account information, or other forms of payment. By submitting such information, you expressly consent to the sharing of your information with third-party payment processors and other third-party services (including but not limited to vendors who provide fraud detection services to us and other third parties). These third parties may store your information for future use with us. The third-party services that we utilize are contractually obligated to keep your information secure and confidential.
Sensitive Information
We may collect sensitive information from a customer organization; information that is reasonable and necessary for us to do business with you and plan for business activities.
We will only collect sensitive information (as that term is defined under the privacy law) if a customer voluntarily provides it to us or otherwise consents to us collecting it. We will only collect sensitive information about a customer from the customer. Where a customer provides us with sensitive information, this will constitute the customer’s consent to its provision for our use.
Using and Disclosing Information
Visual Outcomes collects, holds, and accesses information to enable it to provide its services.
User-based Information, including personal financial and health information relating to the customer organization’s patients or other participants in the customer’s practice and business, may be accessed. This information is used to fulfill the requirements that are specified in Visual Outcomes license and service contracts current and in force with the customer organization.
Where customer information has been collected for a particular purpose, it could be reasonably expected that Visual Outcomes may use or disclose the information for other like purposes. But the information will not be used or disclosed for another purpose without the customer’s consent.
Information and data will continue to be held by Visual Outcomes after the term of any license or contract between the parties. The purposes may be as healthcare records management or, for another purpose if required to do so, by any regulatory authorities; or if required by law.
As a customer you consent and agree that de-identified information obtained by Visual Outcomes in the data management platform, may be used for marketing and research purposes related to the healthcare and business activities of Visual Outcomes. Where so, a customer’s information will not be identifiable and ever disclosed to anyone else. Such a request would require express permission from that customer organization as to the purpose of such a request.
On occasions Visual Outcomes provide a customer’s information to third parties including but not limited to government and regulatory authorities as required or authorized by law.
A customer’s information may be reasonably necessary for one or more enforcement related activities. Where so, it may be released to the relevant enforcement body.
Visual Outcomes reserves the right to disclose any customer information it has access to if required by law or valid order of a court or other governmental authority, or if needed to protect the health and safety of Visual Outcomes employees, a customer’s employees, or the general public.
Dealing with Information
Wherever Visual Outcomes comes into possession of a customer’s information that is acquired by accident, circumstance or other unsolicited means, Visual Outcomes will follow the principles in the Australian Privacy Principles and/or HIPAA Privacy Rules applicable in the USA, as is required in the jurisdiction concerned.
If Visual Outcomes becomes aware that a customer’s information has become available by unauthorized means, all reasonable steps as determined by Visual Outcomes will be promptly taken to protect against misuse or disclosure of the information.
Customer information that is no longer required to be held by Visual Outcomes in accordance with this Privacy Policy will be destroyed as soon as is reasonably practicable by secure electronic destruction.
Website VOiSite use requires cookies
“Cookies” are small data files that may be downloaded to your computer when you visit a website, which may be used to track your use of that website and are part of the General Data Protection Regulations GDPR and used widely across software of the world in 2020.
Cookies are used on Visual Outcomes’ online portal of “VOiSite”. This online portal provides our customers with many online clinic functionalities such as bookings and patient engagement tools.
Cookies may
• track your usage of software products;
• impact experience on software products;
• improve access to software products;
• authenticate access to software products; and
• recognize returning users to the website.
Access to your information as a Customer of Visual Outcomes
You have the right under the Privacy Act to seek access to the customer information held by Visual Outcomes. If you wish to exercise this right, or believe that the information is incomplete, wrong or out of date, please advise us in writing of the concern.
Visual Outcomes, within a reasonable period, will acknowledge and comply with any reasonable request that a customer makes exercising the right to access information under Privacy law. Visual Outcomes will allow access provided other than where there is an exception to access stated in the Australian Privacy Principles. Access may be denied where:
• to provide access would create a serious threat to the life, health or safety of an individual, or to public health or public safety;
• the access would unreasonably impact on the privacy of another;
• the request is frivolous or vexatious;
• the information relates to anticipated or actual legal proceedings and the individual would not be entitled to access the information in those proceedings; or
• giving access would be unlawful.
Enquiries and Complaints
• Information about the Privacy Act and the APPs is available from the Federal Privacy Commissioner.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
Visual Outcomes may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time in the light of changes to relevant laws, changes in technology, changes to its business operations and practices and general changes to the external business environment.
All Enquiries or complaints should be addressed to the below options
Email to Info@visualoutcomes.com
Tel Aust -+61 02 9361 5731
Tel USA -+1 888 859 0885
Mail to
PO Box N434 Grosvenor Place, NSW, Australia 1220;
3494 Camino Tassajara #142 Danville, CA USA 94506