Active Roster



New Visual Outcomes release coming

A Sensible and Secure Messaging System for the Australian Health Sector  

Australians who prefer a collaborative team approach to their health have faced this barrier for many years. Secure, yet efficient, electronic communication around their chosen healthcare team has not been available. Too many systems not talking to each other, resulting in frustration all round, not to mention real inefficiencies.  

Visual Outcomes has always championed the clinician and client team approach - around you and with you, the patient.  

Your Visual Outcomes online portal already channels you in, boosting your voice. And now we have been working with the Australian Digital Health Agency, the Australian Health Department’s 'make it happen’ agency.  to enable: 

  • searching via a federated directory to send messages, rather than through multiple individual directories, 

  • standard messages that will provide interoperability, and message exchange, with different secure messaging software systems, and  

  • encryption standards ensuring that messages are exchanged securely. 

The outcome is to be smooth communication among your practitioners and related health organizations important to your personal journey.  

The government’s strategy here has been to bring as many parties together as possible to consistently embed interoperable standards for secure messaging systems. 

In our anticipated Visual Outcomes new release (Version 20.10.30) planned for October 2020 the platform is there, in place. As the digital health industry moves to align with these secure messaging standards, Visual Outcomes will have it available for all practices wishing to share secure messaging.


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