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Visual Outcomes for the emerging clinics that practice holistic, integrative healthcare; alternative health practitioners working as a team with conventional medicine. And with the client as an active patient in the team online. How do we do it?
Visual Outcomes’ programmers and developers work with a team who are experienced across both alternative medicine and conventional medical practice specialties. This gives Visual Outcomes the edge in what it takes to have software deliver a successful business model of holistic, integrative teams. These are clinics that are the future, a client as an active participant in their healthcare decisions as to better health outcomes with their team of healthcare professionals. Visual Outcomes sees these clinics as an enterprise business where the owners of the clinics listen to the healthcare needs and wants of the healthcare community and patients in their healthcare decisions. These clinics need a secure online clinic that will deliver safe personal health consultations easily. These are the clinics that use their data to review the business with accurate information collected in their own database and displayed for the user groups as to their performance and clinic KPIs. These clinics can thereby safely and steadily expand as an enterprise; to grow in scope of practice and number of locations easily. Visual Outcomes is fully scalable from one to 100’s of clinics. Visual Outcomes supports all types of health and medical specialties as a team clinic from chiropractic to medical marijuana and fee for service “services” such as cosmetic day surgery and complementary health clinics. Much time has been spent developing the functionality of the software to allow for successful health journeys with the clients as well as growth for all clinic types.
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Where do you see your clinic?
Do you see your clinic larger, more practitioners, or possibly a better relationship with your clients? Visual Outcomes can help you see your goals. With our outstanding team to assist you in the direction you want to go, they will be there every step of the way. With financial reporting, team driven software, EHR, CMR and an online portal to drive it home for you and your customers. Visual Outcomes is the software that will pull you all together simply and easily!
Contact us for your personalized on-line presentation today!
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Clients personal exchange and online files (web portal)
Accessing the web based online portal is quick and easy with a personalized link found on your clinic’s website. Credentials are assigned to your client through Visual Outcomes, allowing them freedom to log into their own data stored on the single database platform found on AWS cloud. This will give them access to intake forms, questionnaires, payment and invoice details, their personal profile and the results they need to make decisions for themselves, while working with you as a team for success.
Clinicians access to ‘virtual clinic’ telehealth and online remote care tools (web portal)
Convenient and remote appointment management with clinical notes are available on their web based online portal. Clinicians can review Today's appointment list and start their clinical sessions; they can use speech to text and finalize notes back in the office. Easy creation of new client appointments, clinicians love that they can view and alter their rostered hours ahead and move or make follow-up appointments and send themselves reminders for documentation when back in the office e.g., send out questionnaires and consents. All this and more via their smartphone.
Clinic administration/front desk – online messages /load results and exchange files (web portal)
Use of the online web portal makes it easy for the front desk and back office in managing all the clinic appointments. The ease of the “Inbuilt” online bookings within Visual Outcomes software is built for 100% secured personal health information management. All your New to clinic “online bookings” can be set up according to your clinic rules from screening a prospective new client for suitability to allowing all to make a direct appointment in your scheduler from the web; all protected within Visual Outcomes security set up. And of course, online payment is available with a secured Stripe system inbuilt. Your existing clients can self- arrive/confirm their appointments directly, managing their own appointments according to your clinic rules and complete their intake forms and update their profile directly in their file; all online. A true time saver for your front desk and administration.
The Clinic-Clinicians-Clients work seamlessly together online
Personal health information is 100% securely managed online, inbuilt within Visual Outcomes
Visual Outcomes supports a team focused on the best outcomes for each health journey; all online.
Contact us for your personalized presentation of Visual Outcomes
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Are your clients involved in the decisions about their health journey? Get great outcomes in 2022.
Visual Outcomes allows your clients to upload a journal and track their own behavior and medical progress with you; all online. The inbuilt secured portal and virtual clinic provides your clinic and team with online personal health information exchanges. Within this complete EHR PMS system of Visual Outcomes, securely hosted in the AWS cloud services, you have online bookings, payments and telehealth sessions at your fingertips.
Visual Outcomes offers many features and functions for your team to interact with each of your clients online. The complete software can help you to promote your clinic. Template Manager, an effortless way to create newsletters, letters and promotional material to send to your clients. 2022 is the year of CRM and email campaigns to build your clinic to its greater growth again. Use our inbuilt CRM newsletter templates for regular communication. In 2022, get the clinic team set-up for a reward system measuring referrals and goals achieved.
Visual Outcomes is dedicated to great team outputs. Having patients / clients online and the clinic admin/desk on the same page with the requirements of the clinical team of practitioners.
2022 needs all ‘on the same page’ at the same time delivering the care needed by your patient/client when they need it!
Great outcomes with each person knowing their part in the healthcare journey ahead; working as a team in Visual Outcomes!
Contact us to request an online presentation today.
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Visual Outcomes is built around your patients/clients as an interactive healthcare journey. Keeping them in the center with your team easily allows you to see their progress. Use the many inbuilt business reports automatically run for all the owners and staff as required with full security of access.
Do you want your patients to be more involved in their own health outcomes? They will get better results when they are engaged and active with you online. Do you want this to be all 100% securely done with them online? Visual Outcomes is the best-of breed for online secured portal in 2022; no third-party software for all bookings and sessions online. VOiSite is the online portal all built within Visual Outcomes – minimize all the internet access security risks. Visual Outcomes is a complete solution for 2022 healthcare.
Help clients have a great life with easy involvement in their own health journey, working with your clinic healthcare team online. Visual Outcomes will offer online remote care, personal satisfaction tracking, full e-prescribing and herbal dispensing all as a 100% secured personal health information (PHI) exchange
Show your patient/client how to have life more abundantly full of all that is your health. Start with a demonstration of how Visual Outcomes will run the clinic and manage each client keeping them in the center of their own health journeys with your team. Visual Outcomes is a complete solution for the clinic; full practice software that will help you and your practitioners work as a team from clinical notes to billing and outcomes tracking with your clients. In 2022 give more online care and a secured portal for tracking their health goals. They can learn how to live life more abundantly!
We offer many features and functions including:
- Client centric data collection across costs, treatment outcomes and satisfaction measures.
- Web-based access for remote care
- Secured inbuilt online portal(VOiSite)
- All is linked to your own clinic website for easy online bookings
- All is secured as access for clients and your practitioners online
- Appointment calendar/scheduler is built for multiple clinics, multiple practitioners and many types of services easily managed with variable price structures
- An easy roster allowing for configuration of your unique style of appointment scheduler
- Easy access to the client’s records for online practitioners from your clinic; updating records via any device connected to the internet.
- Business management and finance planning meetings are easy with reports of real time data within Visual Outcomes; all from the single database hosted on AWS cloud services.
- Statistical reporting easily shows the picture of clinic growth/profitability
- Visual Outcomes business services show what needs to be done for a better bottom line.
- Our team will configure Visual Outcomes based on your clinic's goals and current needs.
- In-application help documents are created for easy access to any answers when in application.
- There is a communications engine inbuilt for all CRM and communications using all the clinic and client data for “mail merge templates”.
- Build reports and set them to be emailed to your owners and other business advisors
Do you need to support your growing clinic?
Do you need better financial reporting?
Do you offer several payment models and offer discounts for groups or work as a ‘fee for service’ practice?
Do you combine the benefits of natural health and pharmaceutical medicine?
Do you offer medical alternatives and shared medical appointments online and in the clinic?
Do you have educational classes and prescribing online in your clinic services?
If you offer herbs, vitamins and lifestyle medicine such as Medical Marijuana with a broad client-centric approach to everyone to their "health needs”? Then Visual Outcomes is your solution.
Do you need warehouse/shop -style of full inventory management; we can assist with inbuilt F&F.
Do you want to see progress as your clinic grows; see client outcomes tracking as well as clinic growth
For Example : Medical Marijuana is becoming one of the new holistic healthcare services available more and more. Visual Outcomes is built to serve enterprise healthcare such as Medical Marijuana clinics.
Contact us for a personalized online presentation
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Visual Outcomes target market is any “Health” clinic with a plan to grow; a leader with a vision and a team of practitioners with one or two clinics and a view to expand the healthcare model they are developing. We manage many practitioner types, in ambulatory settings of any “health” field. We focus specifically on helping you walk your client through their health journey, with your client involved as much as is possible. We support day surgeries and the new emerging health models of teams of integrated care in areas of chronic healthcare conditions.
Visual Outcomes will work well with you in planning and configuring what you need in your software for great business outcomes as much as great clinical outcomes. And all is tracked with the best of data collections and dashboard displays. Visual Outcomes will help all to make great data-driven decisions about their health. We are Client, Clinic, Clinician focused and well suited to an enterprise approach to support vertical integration of new healthcare like no other. As an example, clinics and business operations that deliver the products and services of medical Marijuana requires this level of software capabilities. We can manage suppliers, inventory, and then track client progress with research grade outcomes questionnaires for your marketing and reporting requirements.
Visual Outcomes provides one unified platform so the ROI is not needing extra software for your healthcare delivery, all is in the one system. So easy to have one training, one software with full online support, visual displays of the data reporting all configured as you need. We can handle any fee for service, insurance billing and health plans, and no matter your clinic type
We'll help build your practice. Request a personalized online presentation today!
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How Visual Outcomes can help you grow with financial reporting
Visual Outcomes has a single or one unified database set up. All is managed for you in the secured services of AWS Cloud technology. All your data analytics and dashboards of requested information are done from the same database which collects and collates all that you enter as part of your day-to-day process. Access this business information from any web-based device, access to easy reporting and statistics is made easy with these services. The advantage of Visual Outcomes is that we do this for you within the same database. No need for any add on software that adds costs and training complications. The output is delivered back into your day-to-day Visual Outcomes application on to the same PCs and devices you use in the clinic as a clinician, clinic administrator or management team.
All the data as to business review and planning cycles is delivered to you at the right time and in the right format for quality decisions or data-based planning. financial information you need is exportable in many formats, which will allow for uploading this important financial information into your accounting package, as well as manipulating the data for management review. This will give your team the information needed regarding open accounts, delinquent accounts, complex payment models, debtor management and many KPIs. Request a personal online presentation today!
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Evolving Healthcare
Healthcare has evolved to be more and more online. This has been due to a push for remote care to be more effective in these last 2 years due to COVID restrictions and more people staying home. The people who resisted these changes have moved into an acceptance of remote care and telehealth or online healthcare management as being effective. The current need for effective care as an online experience has moved healthcare into a more client-centric or patient focused experience. Gone are the days when clients were seen and not heard! The big shift is that clients are more interactive and do not have face-to-face appointments as the standard interaction across the desk- where they are told what to do. Clients search for options and answers on the internet and confer with their practitioners more than ever; they are active in their own environment and feel they can have a say as to their healthcare journey.
Keeping the client in the center of their health journey is the key. This focus gives them the buy in that is required for a healthcare outcome that is better for all. Whether it's just a head cold or their self-help and co-operation for a serious condition as post hospital remote management they need to be engaged. A client included in the decision-making process of their health future is more likely to learn more about themselves and learn to respect their clinician as part of a new style of teamwork online. Evaluating, diagnosing, and treating patients is the new healthcare; Visual Outcomes provides a secure setup inbuilt and safe within the one platform. Contact us to see the advantages of one platform that is a complete solution and includes the new style of remote care. Protect all the data that is part of online care and health consultations or telehealth sessions. Secure the exchange of personal health information. Just request an online presentation today.
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Ringing in the new year 2022 with a software that will be there for you
With the start of the new year 2022, let’s take a look at your practice; no matter what practice you have there are changes in our healthcare world with new ways of working with clients active online in their own healthcare journeys. Online telehealth and remote care management with clients active online requires safe and secure information at all times. We have inbuilt tools to assist you with reaching out to your clients via telehealth (Visual Outcomes own online web portal). This online ‘virtual clinic’ allows for e-prescribing, telehealth on your phone, group appointments and online classes. All your clients can book online, pay online and the clinic practitioners can use this secured web access for reviewing appointments and remote clinical notes.
The current culture of medicine in 2022 is directly making us all rethink the way we serve each person; all our clients want to know their information is safe.
Only some software can offer the focus on security that is Visual Outcomes; all in one database with an inbuilt online portal and virtual clinic. In 2022, above everything, your patient health information must be protected from online cyber crime. There is a huge and growing threat for healthcare and medical clinics and Visual Outcomes works with all practices helping you see for yourself a steady growth with all data kept safe from cybersecurity threats and online vulnerabilities.
2022 is the year to have software that can grow your clinical and business success. We support enterprise healthcare with 30 years' experience in the set-up of integrated medical and allied care.
Albert Einstein said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” And also said to us all , “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change”
Change is the result of all that the world has experienced in the last 2 years of COVID. The year of 2022 is the year you may need to review the software that can support your needs; giving you the clinical and business success you want. Get on the fast track with our easy to learn complete practice management solution. All client contact, newsletters and emails are inbuilt and tracked so CRM is made easy. And all business and enterprise reporting is in the one place; reports automatically sent to your stakeholders.
All your data is in one database= All the answers are at your fingertips. One Software does it all!
We train your users online, run tutorials to keep all aware of new Features & Functions, have great help documents for re-training and review. ROI with one software only needed to save time on training support and IT set-ups. We will work with you all the way during the implementation and training process, right through to track with you, a steady path to your clinic's success.
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Our norm is evolving.
COVID-19 has changed many things. We have to accept more to occur online than we were used to. With that in mind, we need more than ever a secure and safe healthcare information for the increase online healthcare consultations. The online or virtual clinic is inbuilt in Visual Outcomes offering a level of security for health journeys online. This is a must for every clinic as a responsible healthcare business from this year on. Protect your patients (your active clients online). Visual Outcomes has it!
VOiSite is a comprehensive facility of features and functions to make life online safe and secure.
VOiSite is our well-developed online web-based patient portal. Telehealth sessions, messaging and online self-payments allows the clinic, the clinician and the client to all securely communicate, share data and health information safely via the cloud AWS and only from within your own secured database.
Contact us for a personalized presentation to learn more about VOiSite.
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Enterprise can be explained in many words.
In a nutshell, it’s about your client, clinic and clinician working together as a trusted team for success with a view to grow the clinic as a thriving business. Whether it’s your client and their understanding of your clinic and its team. Or they are online to track their own progress with you as their health journey; it is their engagement in the path ahead. These are the new healthcare consumer. It is all about their feedback and satisfaction; that is why they refer their family and friends to your clinic. They are to be educated and help in good decisions and follow through at home to achieve better health outcomes with your clinic as the leader in their healthcare journey. Visual Outcomes supports the clinic growth with measures and seamless monitoring of the clinic processes, costs and clinical outcomes directly from your database. Visual Outcomes' platform is a total enterprise solution. All payment models from fee for service to Medicare is supported. Its inbuilt business services give your business owners all the KPI’s, financial analysis and ERP reporting needed for an ease of Enterprise Business Planning ahead. Each clinician (practitioner) working with Visual Outcomes has easy access to the progress and team care that is the health information for their client online and before each consultation in the clinic.
We all want success. This happens with good relationships and great software. Visual Outcomes can get you there. With our online based virtual clinic facilities of VOiSite, supporting networks of multi-clinic locations, all serviced and maintained in our single cloud database through AWS, we are the answer for your growth as a healthcare enterprise.
Follow us on social media for the latest tidbits.
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What Visual Outcomes can do for you.
We will be sharing Visual Outcomes insights and new features, functions, and improved flows as we evolve into this new world of security safe exchange of all personal health information, online clinic sessions and regulatory reporting with audit trails and financial data of the highest integrity. This is our ability to truly support what you need to grow your clinic with less stress with inbuilt assistance and less face-to-face management hours overall.
*Enterprise Healthcare what is it and how Visual Outcomes can get you there.
*Why is telehealth important as we live in this new online world?
*How Visual Outcomes provides safe and secure healthcare management online.
*What’s the new normal for healthcare- self-care, progress tracking, education and more online consultations?
*How Visual Outcomes provides safe and secure online healthcare.
*How Visual Outcomes gives you the data! We help you grow your clinic with tailored financial reports and business dashboards directly from your own database.
*How you benefit from the full solution that is Visual Outcomes?
*How to engage your clients in their own health journey? How to see their satisfaction and their progressive outcomes online. Decision makers that refer their friends and family.
*Technology driven health access for clients through VOiSite
*Visual Outcomes for the newer holistic, integrative clinic. How we do it.
*Medical Marijuana, Visual Outcomes provides a full solution for all emerging healthcare models and payment systems. Compete in house wholesale, inventory tracking and research grade prescribing management windows: see your clinic grow with all data at your fingertips.
Follow Us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or check out our website for all our updates and to request an online presentation, tailored specifically for you and your clinic.
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Here we go – it’s a new world with new demands for your healthcare business to succeed from here.
December 2021 /January 2022
We are preparing for the new Visual Outcomes release; we acknowledge the last couple of years of the pandemic has placed strain on many of us as we cope with a new world that is different from our 2019 experiences and expectations. We have reviewed the needs and ever-present need for secure safe and very personal healthcare delivery, increasingly as an online exchange where the client themselves are more and more active in their own healthcare behavioral changes. The enterprise nature of healthcare business across the world is also the new normal. Online remote care and emerging models of healthcare choices and varied payment models are the new normal. Visual Outcomes is working for a new normal of healthcare where there is a partnering of client and clinician in the satisfaction of better healthcare outcomes. We are ready to support the healthcare clinic with a vision of this new world of healthcare options with configurable features and functions that is leading edge. No other healthcare software offers the total solution in the one database; cost-effective features and functions set up to your requirements.
We move forward to support you in your current and future needs. A vision we feel proud to say we have worked to produce as a software of value for those wanting to grow their clinic from here.
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change” -Albert Einstein
Get in touch with a few of your big questions as to a software that deliver to your current needs. Request an online presentation today.
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Innovative Software Solutions for Value Creation in Clinical Practice
Written by Dr Sue-Ellen W. McKelvey DC PhD MBA
The value-base of healthcare delivered is an ever-increasing focus in clinical practice. Business owners need to see the value in what they get from a healthcare software.
The worldwide shut down of “normal healthcare relationships” in 2021 brings formidable challenges to all healthcare business owners. The world is expecting more interoperability and the people are wanting remote care, telehealth, more personalized care plans and greater transparency within their medical and healthcare processes.
Healthcare business owners find they need more software!
They may have already two or three software to support the basic functionality of their clinical practice, across appointment scheduling, billing RCM, all clinical notes and medical interoperability? And in 2021, the clinic needs to add a patient portal. They need to add data “trawling” software; to get reports to regulators and payers.
A practice needs to be managed more efficiently with all these new demands; multiple software is costly for a practice. What if the practice could use one software for all its needs; one that had all the required features and functions in the same database? Wouldn’t that deliver a great ROI on the move to that one software?
ROI and change management
The clinic and its business owners can trade off the pain of change with significant savings across all costs, from training to support and staff handovers ahead. All can use the same interface and only use one support desk and one set of training manuals. And all data is at their fingertips in the same database for all manner of data reports. The different users are all secured with access to only what they need to see; all can view the clinical practice from only their point of view whether the Clinician Provider Team or the Financial Administration staff. All reports are secured to a user’s security role - from clinical outcomes to practice effectiveness, client satisfaction and outcomes scoring to all clinic resource allocations and utilization measures.
Visual Outcomes is unique in being a one software for all these needs in 2021.
Key to success — both clinical and financial — in 2021
Learn to show your clinic efficiency, quality controls and outcomes of clinical care. This is only effectively managed with data from the one database; a software built to display real time data easily across all your daily clinical processes. Data of improved health outcomes, reduction of costs and review of clinic delivery teamwork. And in 2021 make your clinical practice more responsive to the needs of individual healthcare consumers: client-centric value-based metrics at your fingertips.
Consider just one software across your clinical practice needs.
For 10 years Visual Outcomes has supported all types of allied, medical and new models of entrepreneurial clinical practices around the globe.
As its core has always been a complete software across all payment models and types of providers, it is easily set up with all types of appointments, online and in-clinic; all billing management, clinical interoperability needs and full patient engagement.
Successful partnering.
Visual Outcomes can support smaller practices from 5-8 practitioners and one or two separate clinic locations. This is easy-to-use cost-effective software; it will cover all your clinical practice needs. Ask us to demonstrate value creation for your practice.
Visual Outcomes is a master software to grow your health care business.
This can take you from being a quality smaller clinical practice to being a large well-supported enterprise healthcare practice. Visual Outcomes supports you each step of the way; a core model of data reporting automated from beneath your day-to-day activities. Easy to read tailored dashboards for good decision-making is part of good data collection in this one seamless database. Visual Outcomes supports your goals.
Visual Outcomes is a “Value creation software”. It has inbuilt KPI reporting and audit trails for your clinic staff and groups of providers to see their own value and stay accountable for quality and cost goal setting.
This software sees “team” with a sense of shared accountability.
Quality or cost issues arising from one member affects all. Visual Outcomes helps you to create an environment of healthcare team. Business leadership combined with clinical leadership supported in their goals across the clinic. A value-based creation in the clinical practice includes the measuring and monitoring of teamwork. Visual Outcomes can support a new culture focused on quality whilst eliminating inefficiencies, redundancies and waste – across all areas of clinical practice.
Visual Outcomes is an innovative healthcare IT solution
All data is collected from day-to-day processes; costs, treatment delivered and patient satisfaction. Analyze the most used of clinic services, report on billing management/ insurance/co-payments. Use reports across clinic and staff performance. Create novel data queries around clinic-based research projects.
One unified platform of healthcare information includes:
- Fully integrated software for clinical and practice management solutions – What you can measure, and monitor is what is reproducible. Having a 'readily mined' database puts all the information at your fingertips: costs, treatments given and patient satisfaction and population outcomes. For comprehensive value based clinical and business review, your IT solution should be comprehensive. Ideally all is in one software as a data management platform that offers you real time data analyses. This one platform has all you need; Electronic Medical Records, e-Prescribing and e-Laboratory and more.
- Fully integrated patient engagement solutions –A portal should offer patient solutions that include interaction in their own path: able to track their own care information from health/wellness monitoring devices and personal observations to loading of images or photos important to their healthcare journey. An engaged patient wants to confirm progress and manage compliance tracking. Their active behavioral changes can be measured this way. The inbuilt portal of Visual Outcomes is key. There is data that can show the value creation of your clinical practice as you build your patient base with these experiences.
- The bottom line: Creating a thriving business with a leading innovative software as a single solution for clinical practice.Plan for the best ROI in 2021 and request a demo of Visual Outcomes.
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Enterprise Clinics need a Solution - a single software or one clinical business platform
Written by: Dr Sue Ellen McKelvey PhD MBA DC DO
We are witnessing changes in the world of healthcare. There is now more understanding as to why we may benefit with an enterprise approach to healthcare delivery. There is a “new look” to some medical and healthcare clinics operating now with new eyes on the way healthcare can be delivered. Most importantly, delivering healthcare by asking a healthcare consumer what they want. Can we achieve better healthcare outcomes as much as better financial outcomes for the business owners, by applying guiding principles of enterprise business planning? Or is an enterprise approach to healthcare and medicine going to pollute this most precious commodity of ‘health’ in the eyes of regulators and the patients themselves?
Opinions vary as to the value and even the reason that these emergent enterprise models of healthcare continue to appear. This decade we are seeing a mushroom growth of new and varied approaches. Changes in healthcare are here to stay. A sustainability of these healthcare businesses is largely due to the advancing capability of technology. Great technology is vital to support new healthcare models. Telehealth and effective remote care with online consultations is now an accepted mode of care. The most important recipients of care, patients around the world, now have accepted care can be effective when remotely delivered during this last 18 months of unprecedented medical need; this period of COVID has seen changes to the paradigm of medicine. Much has changed, from how and for what our scientific models of clinical trials are used and when some drugs are now able to be released to the ‘market’.
Twenty years ago, opinion was that entrepreneurial healthcare was moving the system away from a human right ‘fairness’ or ‘entitlement’ to a supply and demand model not focused on an equitable sharing of healthcare resources [i]. This viewpoint saw only disadvantage in the individual being more self-determining and interactive; it saw entrepreneurial medicine as tied to an ability to afford which insurance cover and which clinic. This was not quality but tiered care delivery.
Today’s technology is changing the reality of all healthcare business- technology brings data to show scientific measures as to its nature. Software brings a wealth of tools for measuring quality of care, efficiency of delivery, satisfaction with outcomes and the ability for a patient’s personal preferences as to healthcare path ahead. Data is there to be factored as part of all decision-making and business planning. Data is to be easily collected and maintained in a digital platform for analyses. Studying the best practice of professional care as much as the elements of the best in entrepreneurial healthcare business practices.
Enterprise medicine is here; increasingly defined by a focus on a business plan. Goals or Targets of the organization are all to be communicated, known across the professionals of the medical and allied health team. They accept there are performance targets. These targets are a step beyond quality and safety for each patient; that is a presumed standard measured by data in their software solution. The traditional relationship of a doctor with their patient, now has an added dimension of customer satisfaction.
The enterprise medical clinic wants each professional to operate with a business head as much as their professional expertise; all just an understanding of how to grow the business and keep their customers happy. This does not mean the patient sees any difference in the outcome of their one-on-one trusted relationship with their healthcare provider, quality and safety stays paramount. The difference lies in the more active involvement of the patient or client in the entrepreneurial medical relationship.
These entrepreneurial medical clinics know that the patient is a more active participant in the future success of the business. Entrepreneurial clinics have more questions for their patients. Questions of whether the patient is being served as to their personal preferences, and what are their desired outcomes? Are they satisfied with the service? These are not new questions for other industries. These questions are traditional pillars of business building customer relationship management (CRM).
This is a more one-stop-shop of healthcare. An emerging differentiator or feature of this new model of medical and allied health enterprise business. The traditional ‘corner shop’ of one discipline and one practitioner is increasingly less of an option for the healthcare consumer. It is called an economy of scale; more efficient management of overheads for a business when it can share some costs efficiently.
This decade will see more groupings of new and innovative arrays of health professionals; these will be able to satisfy a range of areas wanted by the health and medical consumers. This business model will have researched what will serve the healthcare and medical market. The older idea of this type of approach being one of ‘profits above quality’ is being replaced with the reality of technology in its advancing ability to show the quality of care, clinical outcomes and client satisfaction as transparent facts. This is all seen by both the professionals themselves and the business leaders of the enterprise clinic.
The growth of these entrepreneurial clinics are only there to serve the healthcare consumer more effectively. This is not a paradigm of “healthcare at any cost” entrepreneurial medicine is guided by good communication, quality of care, safety with great outcomes and satisfaction for the whole team as much as the patient, all pillars of good medicine. The business model of health and medicine enterprise does place the opinion of the patient or healthcare consumer front and center. The patient is therefore an active participant in a successful healthcare enterprise. They are active in their own outcomes with their preferences heard and all services provided to their satisfaction [ii]
Visual Outcomes is a 10-year established healthcare platform; supporting all client centric multi-discipline multi-site enterprise healthcare and medicine. Visual Outcomes serves your professionals as a team with their differing medical flows and specific processes (medical and allied). Business reporting is inbuilt for real time accuracy and decision-making. And in a pivotal role is the “active participant” or patient at the center of their healthcare experience.
Visual Outcomes is a single software that supports a small or large team in a medical and allied health care delivery model. The differentiator is that only Visual Outcomes collects all data under each and every process. All data is collected in a structured manner; so, it is easily queried real time. All is accessed in this single database and reports are automatically updated.
The result is that Visual Outcomes is a one-stop shop to allow an enterprise clinic to prove its value. It can show progress and satisfaction scores of the clients in their own portal. It can demonstrate efficacy to these consumers of healthcare; pivotal to business planning as they are why their clinic exists.
The Visual Outcomes platform brings irrefutable data of integrity to all queries. This solid base of facts for any entrepreneurial medical and healthcare clinic to be able to demonstrate costs, clinical outcomes, and client satisfaction every step of the way. This serves as an invaluable asset for all the stakeholders in the enterprise clinic.
[i] Andrain C.F. (1998) The Entrepreneurial Model. In: Public Health Policies and Social Inequality. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
[ii] Retrieved online website 11th June 2021 https://www.healthcatalyst.com/insights/patient-satisfaction-and-outcomes-five-recommendations
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How Good Is the Patient Data Security in Your Multi-Disciplinary Clinic Applications?
Written by: Sue-Ellen McKelvey DC PhD MBA
We are all constantly seeing in the media security breaches and the “value” seen in personal health information (PHI) by cyber criminals. These activities remind all in the healthcare industry to stay aware of this very real potential threat. The front desk/reception is to have a daily vigilance from email phishing and scams to maintaining software password protocols. The organization must have an absolute commitment to maintain the security of patient data; the concept is huge.
A series of measures are now part of good management; all must be actively checked and all in agreement that only by working at all levels against cyberattacks can any clinic/health organization or software platform protect this critical information.
Personal health information (PHI) is priceless and increasingly this realm of ‘identity’ is the target of thieves and hijackers. Your clinic server can be hacked, or vital health information accessed; often data is at its most vulnerable when being up and downloaded; check all is encrypted when being transferred. We have grave concerns about the security of data in any transfer across the internet; check if you are using an unsecured patient portal for your clinic or how PHI is shared in electronic exchange such as email.
Of course, you already have policies in place securing patient clinical data from ‘internal clinic staff or inappropriate eyes’- but in 2021 the management needs to be more proactive — putting more dynamic measures in place across their organization to check what is the set-up around all data that is PHI?
Check the secured access to PHI: What can and can’t be seen by the different members of your clinical, front desk and administration staff? Some clinical notes that must be kept 100% closed to prying eyes should be able to be secured 100% to a specific user log in; sensitive information around a patient’s mental health is an absolute requirement in 2021? The increased use of Telehealth for remote healthcare exchange and management plans from a distance must only be delivered in a secured platform. Can you audit all who access this sensitive data? Could a hacker gain access via the online booking site or telehealth program with which you have done a recent integration? Ask the right questions of all the software you use for your healthcare business. Ask if you can quantify in a report what PHI (data) is accessed by whom; across all the staff working in your clinic and those accessing via online means such as telehealth, patient portals and online booking sites?
Unfortunately, often the most common response is, “I’m not really sure...”.
Post Covid –19 is going to be a more complex healthcare environment; your clinic has any points of vulnerability get some answers and set up proactive measures to show there is no breach point in the security approach your clinic maintains for securing personal health information that is “in your hands”.
Any clinic software solution for the coming decade must offer a clear cybersecurity risk management. You and your clinic staff as a healthcare /medical organization must have a team approach to vigilance from email phishing awareness to not sending PHI as email attachments. In 2021 get some demo’s that show you a clear security approach in their software cybersecurity approach; in partnership with great software you will then be able to confidently optimize your practice approach (medicolegal consents and operational security as much as transferring clinical notes and protecting PHI). Assess the software’s capacity to set-up ‘secured roles’ to ensure an audit trail of user access to sensitive personal health information.
You may need to set up a team of disciplines working together as a team but can you still protect confidential or sensitive health information concerns. Can you enable a patient to choose a preferred provider or restrict another provider’s access to their records? Clinician teams may want to nominate a management team by name and tailor who can access to clinical notes; in a client centric approach the client/patient themselves may want to see an audit of where their PHI has been shared.
This is the future.
As Primary Health providers accelerate provision of multi-disciplinary health services, the capacity to selectively secure patient data as to which provider and which approved staff member can access to view becomes critical.
In a patient’s healing program, clinical data is shared by many - nursing and support staff as well as several disciplines. The patient is in the middle of this ‘information sharing’; active and online. Can they just use an e-consent to share and have this automatically in their file?
Check the cybersecurity risk management of the patient portal you use. Any online access to your clinic may have a point of breach if attacked by criminal experts. Secure the ‘up and download’ of data; this is an overt security weakness recognized as a potential ‘hole’ for hackers.
Visual Outcomes USA adheres to the highest of standards in always modeling all parts of its complete healthcare software platform to protect personal health information (HIPAA 2020 sees this post Covid world as having more and more Multi-Disciplinary teams)
Primary health is now a team approach of many providers with more patients interacting online via their portal or with Telehealth. From now on, increasingly it is a fact that online care is seen by all our clients or patients as the new normal.
So, all of us must be proactive and have dynamic measures to avoid cyber vulnerabilities and checks for local user vigilance using the internet.
Time to gear up!
– sleep well with daily reports of ‘reproducible’ audits and PHI control.
Older software is still active – its modeling from the 80s and 90’s is covered with other security software Integrations. But often built to serve a single modality, a part-record or a ‘selected’ clinical note could not be securely isolated when patient requires confidentiality between practitioners in a multi-disciplinary team clinic environment.
As we move into different forms of team-based care, methods for ‘secured’ notes are to be versatile and reproducible; reportable and auditable. And have a security matrix around PHI; vital in a client-centric Multi-Disciplinary Enterprise Clinic.
Visual Outcomes is a purpose-built enterprise solution of a one database software platform offering PMS CRM Accounts and Billing, inbuilt Reporting Engine and multi-disciplinary clinical note recordings; offering a secured online portal with inbuilt Telehealth; designed for a multi-disciplinary clinic and/or many locations with differing set ups.
In one platform it includes
- Team shared care health plans: all secured online.
- A flexible appointment scheduler/book for multi-disciplinary processes
- PHI security in all data uploads and downloads; fully audited.
- Online tracking of outcomes / e-consents as a part of online care/telehealth
Visual Outcomes is an integrated secure solution hosted in AWS Cloud hosting services; world standards of transfer encryption with only secured storage facilities.
This gives assurances to all stakeholders within your enterprise management as well as government regulators and professional reporting requirements.
You can have all expected standards in your clinic/s with a purpose-built enterprise software solution. Do it under your watch and do it now!
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Patient Portals: Improved Communication Means Improved Client Satisfaction
Patient-centered care is now prevalent as a 'discussed' model of delivery; the many stakeholders across the healthcare industry talk to its value. It has become clear that the average healthcare consumers are more satisfied with their care when they feel valued as an important member of their own healthcare team; considered and asked to be involved in critical decisions. Communication is key to building the solid, collaborative healthcare relationships that lead to those feelings of empowerment and engagement. Patient portal software gives providers the means to open the lines of communication, sometimes slowly at first and then increasing the frequency and quality of interactions between themselves and their clients.
Patient portal software can streamline communications; bringing tasks online that are generally handled much less efficiently face to face or via the telephone. Areas of clinical need such as prescription renewal and referral requests, appointment booking and management, and viewing /explanations of test results. Clients can receive alerts from their healthcare providers via patient portals, reminding them of appointments, preventive care needs and/or prescription renewals, or set up alerts on their own to ensure that they remember to take medications or perform self-monitoring tasks. Providers can also deliver patient-specific health education and information to clients via the portal, supporting their efforts to become a well-informed and active participant in their care.
Perhaps the most important of patient portal software features to engender trust in this new online Dr/patient relationship is how the provider/client communicate online. It must be respectful and effective. This involves secure messaging features, online video interactions, forums where personal health information PHI is secure, personal viewing of own health information and ongoing results and there must be online patient feedback measures that are monitored by the clinic admin team.
Online viewing of sections of their personal health files, clients not only have access to their own health information but can be set up to be able to contribute – uploading their own photos of self- improvements, outputs from personal devices, current meals and new diets, home care observations, clinical concerns, medication compliance and other measures of self-monitoring. When the clinician team is ready, they can review these details and set up calls, online sessions and/or secure messages. Future 'patient centered healthcare' is about this type of online file - acted upon by their own healthcare team with them in the cycle of exchange. Online the clients can provide feedback quickly and efficiently, place info directly into their file; the client involved in their own outcomes - making a client more likely to make the effort. We must remember, after everything - it is all about fostering good relationships where both the provider and the client trust each other more and each feel 'heard' in their combined efforts to achieve better health.
Not only does providing these tools facilitate more frequent and more efficient communication and information-sharing between provider and client, putting patient portal software to use in these ways adds efficiency and convenience to routine healthcare interactions. This benefits clients by reducing the time and effort involved in self-management. It also lightens the administrative load on providers and their staff, which benefits all by freeing more time for meaningful client-provider interactions and improved customer service. Better customer service, like better communication, helps ensure that clients feel valued, respected, and empowered in the healthcare relationship, leading to improved client satisfaction.
by Dr Sue-Ellen McKelvey PhD MBA DC DO
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Patient or Client in 2021?
What we call the person is not as important as the relationship we have with them and most importantly, the outcome of that relationship.
Since the earliest days of medical care, a person was seen as in a doctor patient relationship. The person was called patient as the Latin origins of the word implied; one who endures or is suffering. Indeed, the trust was in the doctor and the knowledge and skills they had to change the suffering of that person.
The word patient is still relevant today. Arguably, a person who arrives unconscious following an automobile accident to the local emergency department is closest to the origins of the word patient. They may have a next of kin ready to decide for them or another person with them, but the presumption is that they are needing care and that is decided by the person with the knowledge and skills entrusted with their needs. This person is very ill, or so sick or injured that they are deemed a more passive recipient of care.
If the person arrives and sees themselves as not “sick”, are they a patient?
As an example, if informed by their healthcare professional they have a chronic health condition with test results indicating added health risks they are an active participant when informed this way. This become more of a ‘client’ relationship with the healthcare system; their healthcare professional has made them ‘armed and active’ with this information.[i]. But they must act for their health status to change; they have an active participant role. Their own decisions and behaviors are determinants in their healthcare outcomes, nothing will change if it is a passive relationship with their healthcare professional.
There is an argument that the term ‘patient’ is a more respectful one, whereas the term ‘client’ is one of that is fiduciary in nature; logic being that the healthcare exchange is not a financial one[ii]. However, the modern healthcare system and its relationships or encounters do serve the economics of its financial management.
It can be said that the current healthcare experience of the more developed societies is more complex. There are new levels of healthcare relationships with more “forks in the road” to be navigated; no longer only a trust relationship of doctor-patient exchange.
There is a possibility that this increasing complexity may require some new measures of trust for the person as they build a relationship with the healthcare system. A transparency of information and a measure of accountability may engender a new trust for the person in their journey through the healthcare system.
Finally, there is no consensus as to an alternative word for patient. What do you think?
We will continue to explore these relationships for a person in their total experience of healthcare in 2021 in this weekly blog.
[i] Shades of grey: patient versus client. Ratnapalan, S. CMAJ.2009 Feb 17;180(4):472 doi:10.1503/cmaj.081694
[ii] Patient, client or customer: what should we call the people we work with? Brinkman, J.T April 2018 retrieved from www.opedge.com
[iii] For whom do you care – patients or clients? Bonsall, L. April 13 2016 blog retrieved from www.nursingcenter.com/april2016
by Dr Sue-Ellen McKelvey PhD MBA DC DO
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All in one platform
Visual Outcomes is modeled on the client in their own journey ©2021
Visual Outcomes is a 10-year established healthcare platform with full inventory management and a global reach of practice management features and practitioner-specific operational functionalities.
Visual Outcomes is dedicated to achieving successful outcomes for all, measured by client-centric outcomes tracking alongside clinical outcomes and pathology tracking with client feedback online.
Visual Outcomes is about the Quadruple Aim: business owners and clinician satisfaction alongside client /patient satisfaction, with great treatment outcomes and efficiencies of healthcare costs.
Many advantages of Visual Outcomes as a unified healthcare data management platform
- Full inventory management in the same platform
- Clinical flows and online bookings for locations and a virtual clinic
- Remote health care management including telehealth
- Online clinic access/ portal for clients of the clinic
- Engaged and active clients are decision makers in their own journey
- Medical and non-medical processes accommodated as a team approach
- Team care plans shared online: the client as part of the team
- Individual health journeys online exchange; client-centric outcomes tracking
- Enterprise business development management services; dashboard reporting
- Data integrity in Visual Outcomes delivers to IPO level of financial requirements
Online bookings for telehealth and in clinic appointments
Clients can upload information to their own clinical file online
Practitioners see what clients uploaded, pre consult and during consultation
Use Telehealth and virtual consultations as a booking option online
Remote online questionnaires and management of client programs
Online ordering of supplements
- Individual programs managed
- Order online repeats
- Self-record journey > testimonials
- Bookings online
- Virtual appointments
- Client-centric models of interoperability
- Record securely and with client consented management planning of crossovers
Full Dispensary
On the shelf products
Quality control of batches delivered and re traceable
Ranges of prescribed formulae
Ordering online
Full inventory management
All automated as stock ordering /receiving/ barcodes/ min and max stock levels
All stock take management and profit/sales analysis and reporting
Enterprise Business Services of Visual Outcomes
Set goals for specific clinics and identified ‘teams’ in Visual Outcomes
Create Value: analyze the utilization profile of bookings and clinical throughput
Observe in daily reports attendances cancellations and ordering levels
Marketing analysis to set email campaigns e,g, highest sales across client profiles
Set rewards with a dashboard of KPIs
Focus on each of the clinics /dispensary profitability and quality improvements
Select reports to be deidentified and used for staff/practitioner motivation daily
Set up automated stakeholder reporting on a weekly /monthly or quarterly basis
Peer reviews across practitioner-types/ clinic standards and goal setting/ KPIs and reward in dashboards across the groups
Financial entitlements calculated according to agreed algorithms in the platform
Reports for individuals as to the agreed method of calculated entitlements
All data is identified as from the transaction within the Visual Outcomes platform
Keep entitlements calculations transparent to minimize disagreements and optimize the relationships of business owners and clinic staff/teams of workers
Tailored reporting and data analytics with a ‘Topic- in focus’ for online business sessions
Meeting with stakeholders regularly online as enterprise business team
Review dashboards of ‘real time’ data from KPIs to client patterns and profitability progress
See daily/weekly updates to see that the goals and vision of the organization is on track
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Welcome 2021
Here we go into a world of uncertainty where we are still unsure daily as to what is normal.
What is for sure, is we are increasingly aware of the importance of data security and more remote online healthcare. 2021 requires vigilance in the choices made in a world of online healthcare and related services increase. As the world of 2021 embraces the use of more and more online sessions. Visual Outcomes is supporting dynamic vigilance as to cybersecurity and user access risk management. We announce the new release this week with a booking schedule now for upgrades to this latest version over the next 6 weeks. Please read the below highlights and attached document.
2020 was a tumultuous year of challenge and change. Many individuals who resisted remote healthcare as too “distant” embraced the safety of home-based care and these online sessions. There is wide acceptance of remote care as now a normal type of appointment; just online. Payers accept it as a valid service. Clients themselves are particularly notable in their acceptance of these sessions as follow ups and check-ins with them as to health changes and personal health programs. Request a demo and latch this facility on to your Visual Outcomes platform.
Online bookings – new clients book directly in your website
In 2021, you have the option of adding ‘NEW to the Clinic’ bookings as you want them booked. The set up of services follows what times and days you want to drive those bookings. When Visual Outcomes web-based portal (VOiSite) is implemented you automatically have practitioners seeing their appts and existing clients can book online. Now, you can add NEW to the Clinic bookings online directly, not via a third-party software. This is your own secured booking system. Please review the attached new features document.
Payments online – Stripe secured credit cards managed only by your client (patients).
Stripe payment is a secured system; credit card information is not kept in Visual Outcomes. Stripe is a secured online payment method for clients to pay invoices, products, and services.
Customer data protection (User password security and TFA)
Visual Outcomes has increasing required authentication online and optimizing password changes.
Visual Outcomes supports your risk management of unauthorized access to customer data:
1. Password change standards enforcing a complexity-type of user password
(Password audit service is available for your user password change protocol management)
2. Two Factor Authentication (TFA) adds access security for existing users on web-based portal (VOiSite) as a client(patient), online practitioner or other authorized personnel.
New Visual Outcomes release coming
A Sensible and Secure Messaging System for the Australian Health Sector
Australians who prefer a collaborative team approach to their health have faced this barrier for many years. Secure, yet efficient, electronic communication around their chosen healthcare team has not been available. Too many systems not talking to each other, resulting in frustration all round, not to mention real inefficiencies.
Visual Outcomes has always championed the clinician and client team approach - around you and with you, the patient.
Your Visual Outcomes online portal already channels you in, boosting your voice. And now we have been working with the Australian Digital Health Agency, the Australian Health Department’s 'make it happen’ agency. to enable:
searching via a federated directory to send messages, rather than through multiple individual directories,
standard messages that will provide interoperability, and message exchange, with different secure messaging software systems, and
encryption standards ensuring that messages are exchanged securely.
The outcome is to be smooth communication among your practitioners and related health organizations important to your personal journey.
The government’s strategy here has been to bring as many parties together as possible to consistently embed interoperable standards for secure messaging systems.
In our anticipated Visual Outcomes new release (Version 20.10.30) planned for October 2020 the platform is there, in place. As the digital health industry moves to align with these secure messaging standards, Visual Outcomes will have it available for all practices wishing to share secure messaging.